Thursday, November 21, 2013

Georgia, aka HHH Sweetheart's Dance had another successful season in the birdfield thanks to Jerry Allen!

Georgia is one of our 2011 Made in Vermont litter from Izzy and Dawson. She is owned and loved by Mary Breslauer and clearly loves her buddy Jerry!   Click on the link below to see their blog!

Monday, October 14, 2013

CH HHH Longtrail Let 'Er Rip, (aka Margeaux ) was Best of Winners at the German Shorthaired Pointer National Specialty and returns to Canada a few weeks later on an extended hunting trip!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

CONGRATULATIONS to Eden and Judi on attaining a Junior Hunter title!

We are so proud of you ~ at just over 2 years old an AKC CH, RN  CGC and now a JH title as well!   A versatile team indeed!!!! 

CH HHH Grade A Fancy JH RN CGC

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We are so proud of CH HHH Grade A Fancy RN!

Owners Judi and Arnie Glickman have ventured into the field, Judi and Eden entered their first hunt tests last weekend. Eden scored all 9's on both days! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


HHH had a fantastic showing at the Stormont Dunross and Glengarry weekend of shows that included the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Canada National Specialty Show and the Ottawa Pointing Dog Specialty.    We had a great time with many good friends and are so grateful to Melanie Primeau and Stephane Laliberte for coming out of retirement to professionally handle once again, they did a fantastic job with both Margeaux and glad to be together again! 
The Results:
CH HHH Silver Sun set the tone for the weekend on Friday by going WB for 4 points, winning Best Bred By Exhibitor in Breed and going on to win the Bred by Exhibitor Sporting Group!  YEAH CHARLOTTE!!!!!!!!   Thank you to Judge David Swartwood for recognizing Charlotte on the biggest sporting dog weekend of the year!

On Saturday, our Margeaux  (CH HHH Longtrail Let 'Er Rip),  really batted the ball over the fence when she took Winners Bitch for 5 points and went on to go Best of Winners at the National Specialty Show!   We are SO proud of her!
Sincere thanks to Breeder Judge Betsey Yates for recognizing Margeaux for this honor!   And heartfelt thanks to Melanie Primeau for such a beautiful presentation of our girl!

Charlotte, Zoya and Margeaux garnered placements throughout the weekend of six shows........and Margeaux sent us home on Monday with a Best of Opposite sex win over some lovely specials for another five points! 
We are so proud of these young gals...............who are gearing up for fall hunting season.   Both Margeaux and Charlotte have attained CHIC status for health clearances with Zoya close behind.   We are planning some fantastic litters for 2014!

Friday, August 16, 2013

News from the Nutmeg 50th Anniversary Specialty Show!!!

After finishing her AKC CH title, Charlotte has entered the specials ring. First time out, 4 point major towards her Grand CH title. Second time out, at the Nutmeg GSP Club 50th Anniversary Specialty Show she received an Award of Merit!

News from the Nutmeg 50th Anniversary Specialty Show!!!

Not to be outdone, Jammer came out for his first time as a Veteran dog and won the Veteran Sweepstakes!!! He's still a hotty, THANK YOU to all who cheered him on and had such fond greetings!

News from the Nutmeg 50th Anniversary Specialty Show!!!

Another WOW! Margeaux went Best of Winners for a 5 point Specialty major win! A very special day indeed, as her mother Izzy ( Am Can CH HHH Ante Up) was BOW for a 5 point major the year before and Margeaux was Best Puppy in Sweepstakes!!! Like mother like daughter!

Thank you Sarah Crepeau for your superb presentation of both Margeaux and Izzy!

VERY proud of the HHH Gang at Nutmeg today!!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Charlotte is now CH HHH Silver Sun!!!!!!!

Charlotte finished her AKC Championship in fine style, winning two back to back majors over the fourth of July weekend shows in Springfield MA.  She was shown as a special the next day and won a 4 point major towards her Grand Championship!   What a weekend !

Thank you to all the judges who have rewarded Charlotte's quality along the way!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

HHH Signs And Omens

Hedgehog Hill Shorthairs made a good showing at the GSPCA 50th Anniversary Show in Gettysburg PA!

Congratulations to co owner Ron Poulson on Zoya winning the American Bred class and big thanks to pro handler Sarah Crepeau! HHH Signs And Omens is by Am Can CH BIS CFC CH HHH Jam On the Brakes and CH Fieldfines Victoria's Secret JH

HHH Silver Sun

A photo of the lovely Charlotte at the GSPCA Nationals in BBE class. I was so proud of how well she showed herself and all the comments received from fellow breeders!

HHH Silver Sun is by Am Can CH BIS CFC CH HHH Jam On the Brakes and CH Fieldfine Victoria Secret JH

Am Can CH HHH Ante Up

We were so proud to watch Izzy and Mary in the Parade of Titleholders at the GSPCA Nationals 50th Anniversary show, she was PUMPED listening to everyone clapping for her!

Am Can CH HHH Ante Up is now home, squirreling it and awaiting babies from CH Holzstrom's Drummer's Call. Email us for contact information on this promising litter!!!!