Monday, October 14, 2013

CH HHH Longtrail Let 'Er Rip, (aka Margeaux ) was Best of Winners at the German Shorthaired Pointer National Specialty and returns to Canada a few weeks later on an extended hunting trip!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

CONGRATULATIONS to Eden and Judi on attaining a Junior Hunter title!

We are so proud of you ~ at just over 2 years old an AKC CH, RN  CGC and now a JH title as well!   A versatile team indeed!!!! 

CH HHH Grade A Fancy JH RN CGC

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We are so proud of CH HHH Grade A Fancy RN!

Owners Judi and Arnie Glickman have ventured into the field, Judi and Eden entered their first hunt tests last weekend. Eden scored all 9's on both days! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013